Sales Management: The Top 3 Levers That Drive Your Sales Team’s Effectiveness

What are the top 3 levels that have the most impact and ROI on the effectiveness of your sales force?  

Here are the top 3 that I’ve always found to have the most impact:

  1. Front Line Managers (FLMs)

    • Your front line managers have a significant impact on your sales reps because they are the ones who have the direct control of coaching your team effectively
    • If you hire top quality front line managers or promote the right sales professionals with the right characteristics and capabilities into the FLM role then you will be successful
  2. Coaching

    • Consistent quality sales coaching is key (i.e. the classic “sales management” but now a modernized definition which emphasizes staying through it, being there later, after all the training and managing, and continue to focus in on one issue at a time, then rinse and repeat and watch the rep improve over time
  3. Compensation

    • This one needs no introduction. If you have an aligned compensation plan then you are driving the right behaviors and performance to achieve the necessary results


What else?  What are some additional thoughts and insights on driving your SaaS Sales team’s effectiveness?