Building Teams: Creating a Successful Organizational Culture

A couple of years ago I wrote “What is a Company Culture and why CEOs must care?“.  There I mentioned that there is no universal definition of an organizational culture.  But how can we then define culture? Let’s start with Wikipedia – Wikipedia defines Organizational Culture as follows: a company culture is  Read More >

Organizational Issues That Prevent Effective Leadership

There are several problems that organizations face with a typical/average manager based on research published in the Harvard Business Review.  It turns out that many “leaders” are actually not able to perform a leadership function effectively.  It is a real obstacle for companies if someone who is supposed to be  Read More >

Leading Teams: Adaptive & Situational Servant Leadership

A lot of folks in the business world have senior titles but don’t understand how to lead. There is a difference between managing people and actually being a true leader. Many managers are task-masters who know how to control and crack the whip, not how to lead. Dwight D. Eisenhower,  Read More >

The 3 Critical Gaps Between Planned Outcomes vs. Actual Results

There are always gaps between Strategy and its Execution, between business expectations and the actual results.  You can invest a lot of time into a solid Corporate Strategy or your Sales Strategy that you think will deliver exceptional results but some times the result will be off from what you intended to achieve.  Read More >